Tag Archives: Stingrays

What Lies Beyond the Mangroves of Death??? (Day 2)

Hi all, it’s Faith with Day 2 updates from the Belize trip!!!

Today we woke up and hit the ground running. We had delicious banana pancakes that reminded me of the ones I make back home, and then some Black Iguanas, Ctenosaura similis, watched us prep for out first snorkel.

For our first snorkel, we saw lots of patch reefs, soft corals, hard corals, and many reef fish. From this dive, my favorite thing was the Christmas tree worms that we found burrowed in brain coral. We had lots of fun watching them pop in and out of their burrows. Our dive safety expert, Ruth, also let us hold a Queen Conch Snail!!! Some other interesting finds were pufferfish, a corallamorph, a yellow stingray, and lionfish. I was disappointed that I didn’t see my taxa, but that disappointment dissipated when we started our next activity– quadrats.

What is a quadrat you ask? Well, it is a “handy tool you can use for many things.” I’m not actually sure what it does yet, but it is a square PBC pipe tool with a grid-square net inside. And you’ve got to “belieze” the hype that comes with constructing your own quadrat. It truly makes you a marine biologist.

After lunch, we grabbed our clipboards and “willingly”  (100% not persuaded by the kids) voted to go into the M.O.D.  With our clipboards and fins in hand, all 18 of us RAN through seemingly endless mangroves with swarms and swarms and swarms of mosquitos to our watery safehaven. I got lucky and made it through with maybe 10 or so bites, but many have it much, much worse.

But the buggy adventure was worth it. My partner Maegan and I  attempted to complete the scavenger hunt on our clipboards, but we got sidetracked searching for our taxa. Again, I was distraught over the lack of echinoderms until I saw a broken sea biscuit (Genus Clypeasteroida). I knew that if their were empty sea urchin skeletons, then there were live ones somewhere nearby! I ended up seeing two live Sea biscuits, but many more calcite skeletons… (there were rumors of brittle stars and donkey dung sea cucumbers but I didn’t see them). The sea biscuits were not doing too much, they were sitting on their own or under coral.

Then the time came for us to stop swimming around the reef and run through the mangroves (or so we thought). In reality, we ended up snorkeling back to the wet lab. Our dive back featured another stingray, a nurse shark, and fire sponges growing in the seagrass beds. I also found a plastic bottle with a crab inside! (Don’t worry, I recycled the bottle).

No lizards to report today except for a brown anole Anolis sagrei  and of course the previously mentioned iguanas!!! Til’ tomorrow!!!

Quote(s) of the day:

“Vote mangroves and we won’t send the crabs into your rooms tonight”

*Pointing at a dead Sea Biscuit* “It’s a fossilized sea star!!!”

Nurse shark just chillin’
Meeee with a conch!
Maegan and I with our quadrat
Yellow stingray in the seabed
The Sea biscut we saw in the sand!


First Reef Day!

Hey y’all, It’s Michiel again : )

Today was so much fun! This morning was absolutely beautiful and I loved looking out over the island during breakfast. Just after breakfast, we saw an iguana. It was very pretty and we kept seeing iguanas (or perhaps the same iguana) throughout the day.

After breakfast, we put on our snorkel gear and dove off the dock. The tropical waters were very inviting with how warm they were. We saw huge schools of tiny fish which we could not identify. Once my partner (Ava) and I made it to the patch reefs, we could not get enough of our taxonomic groups. They were telling me all about soft corals and I returned the favor by offering them  facts about herbivorous fish. In this reef, I saw a lot of herbivorous fish, but I didn’t have my taxon ID sheet so I was only able to identify a few. We definitely saw a lot of Threespot Damselfish (Stegastes planifrons) and Cocoa Damselfish (Stegastes variabilis), and I believe we may have seen an Ocean Surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus). I noticed that it’s really hard to get good pictures of a lot of these fish because they hide as you approach, so I stayed a good distance from them and zoomed my camera in as much as I could.

Once we got into the water, we went to the wet lab to make quadrats and set up a scavenger hunt. Soon after this, we decided to explore the reef near a different part of the island, but to access that area we had to go through the Mangroves of Death (MOD), which were filled with mosquitos that chased us and bit through our lycra dive skins as we ran through the forest. Finally finding safe haven within the water, Ava and I went off again to look at more soft corals and herbivorous fish. While there, I saw many Sergeant Majors (Abudefduf saxatilis) and Beaugregories (Stegastes leucostictus). We also saw a lot of competition between corals, and we saw two stingrays! Ava and I were very grateful that we had decided to swim over the seagrass instead of walk through it when we saw those.

Sergeant Majors (Abudefduf saxatilis)
Stingray hidden in seagrass

After this second reef excursion, we had wonderful presentations given by Rusty, Ava, Maegan, Phoenix, and Michael who presented on hard corals, soft corals, coral reef framework, ctenophores and jellyfish, and sponges respectively. Now, the day is over and I am posting this blog before getting some rest.

Also, I’ve included a group photo of some of other TFBs and I hanging out in the wet lab! See you guys soon!

Chasing the Last Day at Glover’s Away


I haven’t quite accepted that today is the last full day here at Glover’s. Although I know the rainforest will be a great experience, the Floridian/Cuban in me wishes I could stay here by the ocean forever. We took full advantage of the day, hitting three reefs over the course of about three hours. My favorite was “The Channel” by Long Caye. I saw at a spotted eagle ray from the boat, chased a Southern stingray across the sand, and glimpsed a spotted sun eel in the rocks. I saw a lot of soft coral on the reef, noticing that many of the fan corals (G. ventalina) were encrusted by fire coral.

“The Channel” in Glover’s Atol
Sea fan being encrusted and killed by fire coral

After that, we went to another part of Glover’s Atol called “The Aquarium” which is undergoing a phase shift and becoming overrun by algae. It was still beautiful, though. While there, I chased a nurse shark that had a remora on it and even saw a pair of Caribbean reef squid.

Nurse shark with remora under coral ledge
Pair of Caribbean reef squid swimming in “The Aquarium”

In the afternoon, I gave my lecture on mangroves and seagrass beds in preparation for tomorrow’s excursion. Then, I dissected Azlan the lionfish with Sarah T; in the spirit of full disclosure, having my hands full of fish guts wasn’t the most enjoyable.

Azlan the lionfish prepared for dissection

Afterwards, we as a class made our poster presentation quickly which gave us time to ride over to the resort at Long Caye. There, we ate delicious ceviche and (after bargaining with a fisherman for his shirt) came away with a class signed t-shirt that will (hopefully) hang in the cabana bar for memories. It has been such a fun afternoon full of laughing that ended with a beautiful sunset. I’ll be sad to leave here, but I’m really excited for all that’s still to come in the rainforest.

Sunset at Long Caye