Day 6- I PET A SHARK!!!!


Squishy the octopus !!!

I saw a small shark in the sea grass (only 1 ft.) and I pet him and it was soon cool!!! Also, Hermy our trash crab died today before we could find him a shell and it was sad.  BUT we made a new friend named Squishy the baby octopus!!!

In regards to my taxon, crustaceans, I saw a boat load today (hehe get it, boat load).  I saw one spotted pony lobster and four Caribbean spiny lobsters.  Adrienne pushed one of the lobsters out of its hiding place in the coral from its tickle spot and I saw the full Caribbean spiny.  It as really cool and came up to me, not afraid at all. Finally, it retreated.

Batwing Coral Crab

I also got to hold a Batwing Coral Crab which was super cute.  It had a rounded carapace and really pretty patterns on it.  I had to hold it from the back end so it would not bite me.

Mantis shrimp, Ciliated False Squilla
Water louse of some kind, species unknown

We brought a bunch of little crabs, one shrimp, and one water louse back to the wet lab and I was able to look at it up close.  The shrimp was a Ciliated False Squilla (a type of mantis shrimp). It tried to attack the crabs so we had to move it to its own area.  The water louse was weird and reminded me of head lice and was scary.  Mostly it was fine and moved quickly.  The name still grosses me out.

Additionally, I found 3 green porcelain crabs, 3 mangrove crabs, and 2 decorator crabs.  They were all fighting and trying to camouflage on top of each other.  Eventually, I put them back in the ocean but a school of fish came by and possibly ate them. So all my children are dead now.  BUT I STILL PET A SHARK so life is alright currently.

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