We finally made it to Las Cuevas! It seems like for days I have been saying that I am on my way, but now I am finally here! The road trip was pretty fun. We stopped at this waterfall site, Rio on Pools, to go swimming and it was refreshing and beautiful.

Now we are in Chiquibul and the birds are out! I am going to start waking up at 5 AM to bird watch, so that will be tiring, but interesting to see. I have seen a few bird that I was able to identify. I saw an oropendulla several times. It forms these hanging nests and I saw it eat a tree fruit called horse balls.
I also heard a bird call that sounds very similar to a Scarlet Macaw, which have been known to be around Las Cuevas despite their few numbers. I am hoping to see one while we are here!
So far I have escaped the bugs, but I might be jinxing this right now. oops…