I saw a Scarlet Macaw today!!! Actually, I saw seven! At first, I just heard their call which sounds like a distinctive Cawing noise and then I saw a silhouette with a long tail perched. It was in that moment I realized it was a macaw. This happened twice: the first was just two birds and the second time was five birds! They were so pretty and colorful and I wanted to freak out, but we aren’t supposed to acknowledge them because it is dangerous for the macaws to be comfortable around humans since that could lead to poaching.

Today was a lot less intense than yesterday. We set up an experiment to determine if Arthropods are more common in the canopy or ground layer and which has more nutrients. It involved our urine which was unexpected… but it will be interesting to see the results.
We also looked at leaf cutter ant colonies and I think I will have dreams about being swarmed with ants now. Hopefully not, but I guess I’ll see.
Well, Anna 3- Ticks 0 still! That’s my real victory.