It’s our last day in Belize 🙁 so today we went and picked up our camera traps we set three days ago. The hike really was not that bad this time and the suspense of discovering what we had on our traps was building.
We viewed all 14 this evening and while most had nothing, we got a lot of cool species. Some highlights were 2 ocelots (one of which had a great photo), several pacas, a group of peccaries, a crochet deer, and a great currissow. The great currisow is this large funny looking bird with a black full plumage on its crest. Our most annoying camera to place did not get any photos, but overall I am pleased with the results.
On a bird note, I saw several Scarlet Macaws again today, but it’s funny how normalized this occurrence can become. That will be weird not hearing every day now.
AND THE BEST NEWS OF ALLL: ANNA 5- TICKS 0 !!! I also managed to escape the chiggers and I am very proud. Team parasite free!