Bye Belize, bye cold showers, bye scarlet macaws, bye ticks, bye sand flies, bye erratic fear of bot flies, bye random sing along sessions, bye 10 mile hikes, bye rice and beans, bye Turez, bye SFS, bye Dory (again), bye beautiful ocean, bye pseudodiploria, bye ants, bye Apache, bye field notebooks, bye lectures, bye crabs, bye birds, bye trash crab, bye squishy, bye malfunctioning cameras, bye bug bite scars, bye stinky smell, bye unwashed clothes, bye Clivus, bye no internet, bye sharks, and bye EBIO 319.
Well, I am leaving Belize currently, on the plane right now, and that has not hit me yet. We started traveling from Las Cuevas to the airport early and made a pit stop for a gift shop. I don’t think any item can describe how I feel for this class. It has been great, but I guess I’ll reflect on that in my post class blog (coming soon).
This morning I finally woke up again for birding and I saw a scarlet macaw and some plumbeous kites. However, I was not super focused on the birding. I just sipped my coffee and talked to everyone because I won’t be waking up with all these people tomorrow. That’s super weird. I don’t like that.
Well, I guess I have to come back to normal life at some point :/
On a happier note, still no ticks or chiggers!!!!!! I will have to thoroughly check when I get home, but I think I escaped it. To future TFBs, IT IS POSSIBLE!