We made the treacherous journey again to retrieve our camera traps today, and it was surprisingly not as horrible as the first time-Scott was right! That may have been because we strategized our route better, so that we didn’t have to walk back and forth over the same trail. Also we didn’t get lost in the jungle at night.
Annnd the fruits of our labor are:
2 ocelots!!!
1 great curacao
several pacas and peccaries
1 red brocket deer
literally thousands of pictures of grass and our legs
Still, the ocelot pictures were worth it!!
The Daily Moth
Same diversity of moths as always; I’m noticing more and more green eggs, and still the window screens are dominated by Sphingidae! I’m tempted to bring one of those eggs home to see what kind of moth it is.
Note from future self: Don’t worry Belize customs and TSA, I’m completely egg-free