Today we set up our camera traps, cameras that are activated by movement, on two different trails. We were planning on using three trails, but because 4 of the camera traps were not working we had to change our plan. It was the first time we got to hike in the Chiquibul rain forest, so there was a lot of new things to see.

While walking along the Monkey Tail Trail and 50-hectare trail, I saw many Orthoptera including crickets and grasshoppers. The most exciting sighting was a Horse Lubber Grasshopper nymph (Taeniopoda eques) which was found in the leaf litter. These grasshoppers have a shiny black body with bright yellow markings. There were also a lot of small grasshopper nymphs on the tops of leaves.

In the afternoon, I saw a grasshopper that might be in the Tetrigidae family because of its pronotum that covers its entire abdomen. It was black with white and yellow speckles on the hind wings.