Today’s journey from Houston to the reef was quite eventful for what at first simply appeared to me as a “travel day.” Starting out early with a 5am wakeup, I finished packing my gear and made my way to campus to meet the rest of the group. The shuttle ride to IAH was uneventful; however, once at the airport, we encountered a few problems. All seemed sorted by the time of boarding though. We arrived in Belize, passed customs with little issue, and made our way to two vans that were chartered to take our group to the marina. We made a quick pitstop at a small market to buy snacks and drinks, which was a nice surprise. Driving to the marina, I was able to see several sections of Belize City, and although not even close to an expansive tour, it was still interesting to see the region through the window. Once we made it to the marina, I was able to get lunch, rummage through my suitcase to find sunscreen, and board the boat to begin our journey to the atoll.
The first half of the 4.5-hour long boat ride was quite pleasant. I watched the land fade into the horizon, we passed a carnival cruise ship with a large water slide, and we slowly made our way towards the barrier reef that parallels the coastline. It was very interesting to see the waves break ahead as they passed over the large reef structure that lay just below the water’s surface. These rocky reef structures are built by stony corals, and although they provide the foundation of their own ecosystem, I also learned how they dramatically decrease wave strength near and protect the coastline. Once we passed over the barrier reef, the movement of the boat immediately and dramatically increased. As the trip continued, the constant motion of the boat grew old. There were fascinating sites to see along the way, but once we pulled into the dock of the island, it’s safe to say I sighed a breath of relief. I am very excited to be here and to see what adventures tomorrow holds.