I saw a Pauraque today and they are the coolest birds. They are most active at night, but we saw them during the day which was cool. When spotted they will try to distract you from their young by flopping up and down, acting as if it is injured. We saw it and went over and found two pauraque chicks and they were adorable. They were fluffy an looked maybe 1-2 days old. I want to take one home.
We also went into the Las Cuevas cave and it was so much larger than expected. We weren’t able to go as far in as usual because archeologists are using the site, which was disappointing, but just going into the first two chambers were so cool. We saw were our water has been coming from, the water at the bottom.
From the cave, we climbed high up to the birding tower. It had the most amazing view! It would have been better in a post card that I did not have to climb up to, I don’t like heights, but it was cool once I got up there.
One more real day 🙁
Anna 4- Ticks 0