All posts by McKenna Castleberry

Forever and always a TFB <3

Now that I’m back from the trip and have sort of acclimated to the A/C blasting in my house, it’s time for some wrapping up and a heartfelt reflection! (Also, happy World Rainforest Day!)

One similarity between tropical rainforests and coral reefs is that they are both nutrient poor ecosystems but are also hotspots of biodiversity, and the methods of survival in these harsh conditions fuel biological diversity. For instance, coral reefs are microbially driven ecosystems because microorganisms retain and recycle nutrients for use by the coral organism. Microbial interactions with the holobiont whole can vary widely based on the coral species, symbiont clade and composition, and abiotic factors like light and temperature. Therefore, the diversity of the nutrient-recycling microbial community as a part of the holobiont promotes coral diversity. Additionally, trees and plants in tropical rainforests have adapted to the nutrient poor soils by displaying a variety of nutrient-maximizing methods. One example is buttress roots in trees. These roots spread horizontally under the soil (as opposed to downward vertically) in order to take advantage of the newly deposited nutrients in the upper layers of soil and store them in their plant tissue. These buttress roots also stabilize the tree by having thick, outward stretches at the bottom of the tree, and this also maximizes the amount of surface area the tree has with the most nutrient-rich top soil layers. Just like microorganisms for corals, phenotypic variations like buttress roots in tropical trees promote biodiversity driven by the need to maximize nutrient capturing abilities.

Another similarity between these two ecosystems is the competition for light between organisms. In coral reefs and tropical rainforests, light is a limited and highly coveted commodity. One way that coral organisms ensure access to enough like is through phenotypic plasticity. When a coral of a certain species is present in light-limited conditions, it can be phenotypically different from a coral of the same species in conditions with ample light. The phenotypic form of corals in low light levels is plating, where the coral grows outward in flat plates to maximize the surface area exposed to light so that its dinoflagellate symbionts can photosynthesize and provide nutrients (this also ties back to the lack of nutrients!). The drive for phenotypic forms that maximize light access also fuel coral biodiversity. In tropical rainforests, the thick canopy is an example of the strong competition for light. Tree branches grow outward and create a dense mat of canopy vegetation where almost every sliver of space in the sunlight is taken up by plant life. This leads to tough competition on the forest floor, where organisms better suited to low light conditions compete for the little light transmitting to them. Epiphytes are an example of how this competition within and under the canopy for light has led to biological diversity. Epiphytes are non-parasitic plants that grow upon other plants. They are often seen growing on the trunks and branches of trees. This ability to grow vertically higher than the ground floor is an adaptation to limited light, where epiphytes can advantageously grow closer to the canopy and avoid the competition and overgrowth in the understory. For both of these ecosystems, competition for sunlight drives biodiversity.

One similarity between the two ecosystems that I have personally observed is the 3-D topography. When snorkeling on the fore reef, I got to see the massive spur and groove structure of the coral reef. When hiking the bird tower trail in particular, I experienced the large changes in elevation of the tropical rainforest. Another similarity that I observed is the ability of organisms to occupy even the smallest of spaces and niches. On the reef, I saw this in urchins hiding in crevices and rubble, zoanthids covering tube sponges in tiny polyps, and benthic sea cucumbers underneath structures. In the forest, I saw this in snakes eating frog eggs in trees, spiders with webs in the stalactites of a cave, and a Mexican burrowing toad inhabiting an abandoned leafcutter ant nest.

I have also noticed differences between the two ecosystems, and the major difference is how apparent the impact of destructive forces are. From my personal observations, I saw that destruction was more obvious in the reef than in the forest. While snorkeling, it was so clear to see the expanses of coral rubble, evidence of coral death from disease or bleaching, and impacts of overfishing (in non-MPA reefs). The degradation of the reefs was easy to spot. However, I found it less easy to spot the effects of destructive forces in the rainforest. Of course, the trails and roads and clearings are evidence of human landscape degradation, but outside of this, proof of degradation was not as obvious as it is in the coral reefs. Of course, seeing Morelet’s tree frogs that are critically endangered and scarlet macaws that are endangered in Belize brought the destruction of the tropical forest ecosystem and its organisms to the forefront of our minds, but it was not as if we were seeing dead stretches of forest while conducting our research.

This course completely exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to learn so much about Belizean culture and history, and I was definitely surprised by how much I enjoyed the fieldwork in both ecosystems. I also did not expect to make so many meaningful connections and friendships with my fellow TFBs. Going into this course, I expected to do the things listed on the schedule, but I did not expect to learn as much as I did from those things and for these experiences to have as much of an impact on my ideas for my future career as they did. I did not expect to come out of the trip as the McKenna that I am today with my new revelations and interests, but I am endlessly grateful that I did!

My favorite parts of the course were definitely those with fieldwork! Although the conditions were rough (washing machine currents, accidental fire coral collisions, and mosquitos / chiggers, extreme slopes to hike, and torrential downpours), I thoroughly enjoyed the day-in-the-life moments of being TFB, physical labor included! I also loved the food! I already miss Belizean food; I looked forward to every meal everyday and always felt replenished. My ultimate favorite part of the course was the people! The Belize Babes, Surf & Turf, the two smallest TFBs, the Glovers staff, Ruth and Claudios, the LCRS staff, I feel so lucky to have met and spent time with all of these people! I loved learning alongside the Babes and under the direction and motivating encouragement of Surf and Turf. Everyone I met in Belize was so hospitable and dedicated to ensuring that I enjoy my stay, and it was amazing to learn from these people too and their knowledge and experiences!

My least favorite part of the course was probably the bugs. However, my collection of bites are well-earned TFB battle scars! I also found it hard to get enough time day to day to fill out my field notebook, but after a few days I learned how to maximize my time so that I wouldn’t fall behind (as much as possible). Overall, I really enjoyed this course and didn’t have a big problem with anything; everything about this course qualifies as a “favorite” of mine, just some things are less favorited than others.

The biggest thing that I learned that I think will define where I take my future is my passion for (and my apparent skill for) science communication. I learned that I love talking about and communicating sciency things, and I was told that I’m easy to listen to when doing so. This has inspired me to pursue a future in communicating science! This course also opened my eyes to the complications of wildlife/ecosystem protection. Hearing from the marine safety officers and the Belize Fisheries Department taught me the difficulties of actually enforcing the regulations and restrictions of MPAs. Additionally, hearing from Rafael and Dario about the recent problem of poaching around LCRS made it clear that without the ability to fully surveil a protected area, even forest reserves can fall victim to destructive forces. It really helped me understand the intricacies that must be considered alongside an area’s label as being protected. By far, the most surprising thing that I learned during this course was what lionfish tastes like! I never in my life thought that I would have the opportunity to eat lionfish (especially in ceviche), but that experience will definitely not be forgotten.

This course/trip has been inexplicably elucidating on so many levels. I can’t thank everyone enough for this opportunity, and I already cherish these moments in memory. Belize holds a special place in my heart! Cheers to the end of an un-Belize-able experience and to the beginning of my travel fever and science communication career aspirations!

– McKenna

Rainforest TFB on 2x speed

Today started off with a clear, sunny morning! Thus far, it has only ever been cloudy or rainy, so an extended period of sunshine was surprising. This really helped today’s morning birdwatch! I was the first one awake and out on the patio, so I got myself a cup of coffee and enjoyed the landscape and bird chorus.

I saw a new bird! Michael and I spotted a very small bird on a bare, exposed branch. It had a mainly brown coloring with a purple/blue shimmer to it on its back. It also had a faint light eyeline and a light-colored throat. Its breast was yellow, and it had small wings with two wingbars and a short tail. When I looked in the bird field guide, I identified it as a yellow-throated euphonia!

After breakfast, we retrieved all of the experiment-related materials that were in the Chiquibul Forest. So within the span of 40 minutes, we collected all of our water and pee tubes. In the classroom, we analyzed our collected data by calculating the abundances of the arthropods in each group (pee/water and canopy/floor). We cleaned and packed up all of the materials for this experiment, and we started our poster.

Then, a small group of seven TFBs and Adrienne left on a speed mission to collect all of the camera traps we placed on the first day. The hike that took us almost 7 hours to complete when setting up the cameras two days ago took us 1.5 hours today! We retraced our steps with incredible speed and were unexpectedly cooled off with the heaviest downpour of rain we’ve had yet.

While I was speed hiking, Liliana took an amazing picture of a keel-billed toucan! This is the national bird of Belize, and while I’ve been seeing them around LCRS, I haven’t been able to get a picture. These massive birds have fittingly massive beaks. Their bodies are black with a yellow mask, throat, and breast, as well as a white and red rump. Their green/yellow beaks also have red, blue, and orange patches, and their eyes are ringed with faint green. Watching them fly is almost comical because they hold their beaks to be directly in line with their body, making them look like they have thick necks and pointed heads when silhouetted by shadow.

Another great day in the rainforest! My rubber boots are now next-level dirty, but the filth is definitely worth it!

– McKenna

Forest Cano-pee & Meeting the Queen!

Day 2 in the rainforest started off early with a lot of sightings during the morning birdwatch. I saw two crimson-collared tanagers, which are black with a red head and rump, as well as a black mask. I also say a blue-gray tanager, which is a bit smaller and flies by sporadically flitting its wings. One bird that I had to research in my field guide to identify was a white-collared seedeater! This bird was small (like the size of a finch), had a black head, light-colored wingbar(s), brown/white patchy body, and a white band laterally around its throat. I spotted it in the grass, which makes sense if it was foraging for seeds. I also saw a pale-billed woodpecker, which is a very large woodpecker with a black body, bright red head, and a white line down both sides of its neck that meets on its back. One bird that I managed to get a photo of was a social flycatcher! It was brown with a yellow breast and belly. Its white head had a black eyeline and crown, and its wings had a light wingbar.

Then, we started another experiment testing the nutrient attraction of arthropods and their abundance on the forest ground versus the forest canopy. We chose methodology to place pitfall traps of both water and a nutrient solution to test our question. The nutrient solution that was the most widely available was our own urine, so we all peed in tubes. We ranked our pee in hydration by comparing color. A huge shoutout to Rusty for having crystal clear pee and being my TFB hydration idol. Then, we put our water and pee tubes on the floor and hung them on trees!

Right by my pitfall tree, we spotted a jumping pit viper! Luckily, Phoenix saw it before anyone got too close, so we were all safe.

We also saw an eyelash viper curled on a nearby log! Rafael, the LCRS station manager, said that he had never seen an eyelash viper in all his 12 years here, so we were super lucky to see one! I didn’t get a photo, but a lot of my classmates did.

We also did a leafcutter ant activity where we dug up their nests. We started with a 1-year-old nest, and we took turns digging with a shovel. We found the fungal gardens, and it looked like spongy, white honeycomb. After some more digging, Scott uncovered the queen! She was huge and was being protected by smaller ants, but she didn’t try to bite anyone. I got to hold her! I feel so lucky to have met the queen.

We moved onto another bigger nest, but there were too many rocks and roots to dig it up. Right when we were about to find another nest, Michael shoveled one last scoop and initiated another lucky find! Sitting in the mound was a Mexican burrowing toad! This toad is black with orange markings and very round in shape. Its head is very small and is basically missing a neck. When Rusty gave his amphibian taxon briefing last night, he said that he really wanted to find one of these toads. So another shoutout to Rusty for his toad-finding dreams coming true, I’m so happy for him!

I gave my topic lecture on neotropical plant-insect interactions, and I think it went really well!

After sunset, we went on a night hike! Before leaving, I spotted a red-rumped tarantula on the deck! It crawled out of a space between some of the wooden planks.

Then on the actual night hike, We had so many amazing sightings! We saw two Morelet’s tree frogs, as well as their eggs. It is extremely rare to spot Morelet’s tree frogs because they are critically endangered, so we were really lucky to see them! Then we spotted small snakes on the tree branches above us. We witnessed one snake eat tree frog eggs!

The theme of today seemed to be pure luck, and I feel so fortunate to have experienced it all. Maybe tomorrow Ava will catch a blue morpho butterfly!

– McKenna

Smile! You’re passing a camera trap :)

Day 1 in the rainforest was fantastic! It started bright and early for some morning birdwatching, and I saw and heard so many of my taxa! I saw a lot of black vultures, which are large black birds that can be seen perched in groups in sparse trees. I saw a plumbeous kite, some oscillated turkeys, and some type of parrot. There are so many types of parrots that can be extremely difficult to tell apart, but I knew they were parrots because of their frantic style of flying. I also saw keel-billed toucans and collared aracaris! These are both large-billed birds that can be spotted gliding into tall trees. The most spectacular sighting of all was seeing scarlet macaws! There were two pairs of them in tall trees. I could tell that they were the Northern sub-species because they had a blue coloration on their wings, as well as yellow and the dominant red. These birds were breathtaking, and I am so happy to have gotten a picture!

We spent the rest of the day hiking to set up camera traps for an experiment pertaining to mammal functional groups and their abundance in certain areas of the forest (trails, roads, dense cover). We each had a camera trap to place, and it took the whole day to set them all up. During the setup for this experiment, I experienced so many things!

I held a butterfly net in my jungle outfit and felt like an Animal Crossing character!

I climbed up the bird observation tower! I didn’t see any birds clearly, but the view was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.

I briefly went into a cave and saw Mayan pottery fragments and cave spiders!

I also ate termites (they tasted like carrots), saw a huge leaf cutter ant nest, and found red-eyed treefrog eggs!

Today was a long day, but it was packed with so many unbeatable moments and sights. I am excited to see what our cameras capture!

In the meantime, I can’t wait to go on more jungle adventures. However, I can’t say that I’m excited to put my rubber boots back on. Though my feet are in a state of achy torment, my thirst for exploration gives me plenty of inspiration to tough through the more difficult parts. What I do for science!

– McKenna

Mayan Ruins + Welcome to the Jungle

Today marked day 9 of the trip. The overarching goal was to travel from the TEC to Las Cuevas Research Station. However, we made a stop to tour the Caracol Mayan ruins along the way!

The tour was 2.5 hours long, and I enjoyed every single minute! Leo (our tour guide) taught us so many Mayan/Belizean history facts! We saw Ceiba trees, and they were huge! The most impressive part of the tour based on the monumental size was climbing the temple/palace of the plaza. The stairs were incredibly steep, but they were so worth it! At the top of the stepped temple, I stood at the highest point of Belize!

On the rest of the tour, it began to rain. When I was taking cover, I got to see some Oropendola montezuma! These are a large species of bird that have black bodies, yellow tails, rufous wings, white cheek patches, and a pointed orange beak. Scott described perfectly how their songs sound like video game noises. I also saw their nests, which they weave themselves, and they look like sacks hanging from branches.

I also saw many other birds: blue-crowned motmot, great-tailed grackles, melodious blackbirds, a type of vulture, a type of hawk, a pileated woodpecker, and (only heard the calls) red-lored parrots.

During the drive from Caracol to Las Cuevas, I very briefly saw scarlet macaws! They were in the distance in tall, sparse trees high in the canopy. I hope to see more!

I gave my rainforest taxon lecture today on birds! I was excited to get to fangirl over my taxa, but sadly, the audio files didn’t work. Even though people didn’t get to hear the bird calls for the species I presented, we will push through TFB-style and still test out our abilities to bird by ear regardless (at least I will)!

Liliana and I are staying in room “Jobillo” at the station. Early tomorrow morning, there will be an optional birdwatch. Since I am extremely tired and am aware that tomorrow is going to be a long day, I plan on going only if I’m naturally awake by then. If my internal timing of waking up allows me to make the morning birdwatch, then I will have so many more sightings to add to my taxon log!

The jungle puts my Belizean ecosystem count to 3 (atoll, savanna, rainforest)!

– McKenna

Goodbye Atoll, Hello Savanna

Just before 9:00 am this morning, the TFBs departed Glovers Reef. I had such an amazing time as a marine field biologist in training, and I already miss GRMS! I got a picture with Ruth before I left. I am so thankful for everyone at Glovers and for our amazing water safety officers! I will miss Clivus too (the composter toilet system <3).

While on the boat, I sat on the stairs so that I had a perfect view of the ocean. The view was beautiful, and I felt so at peace. I sat there serenely for an hour, and the only reason I moved was to avoid getting sunburned.

We ate lunch at Calypso, and I got fresh watermelon juice and basically a mountain of pasta bolognese with garlic bread! So delicious 🙂

We all hopped into a van and went to a supermarket called Brodies. I bought bug spray (FINALLY!!!) and a few hiking-friendly snacks. Then, we drove to the Tropical Education Center (TEC)!

We got a quick tour and then went to a guest lecture given by Dr. Boris Arevalo. He lectured on nesting ecology and habitat selection of scarlet macaws in Belize and his research and work on the subject. I really enjoyed his lecture! He opened my eyes to the struggles of conservation work and how to weigh the importance of its impacts. This lecture also taught me a lot about research of my taxa and of scarlet macaws, as birds are my rainforest taxa.

After dinner, I rode in the bed of a truck to the Belize Zoo, where we had a night tour! Carlos the zookeeper led my group’s tour. We saw jaguars, pumas, and ocelots being fed, and we also saw a tapir (Belize’s national animal)! I also got to see some of my taxa, including the spectacled owl, barn owl, and mottled owl! I’m not sure how likely we are to see owls while we’re at LCRS, so I was excited to have the opportunity at the zoo! It was incredible to see the animals active at night.

It was a late night tonight, and it’s going to be an early morning tomorrow, so I’m excited to get some sleep in these cute and cozy cabana lodgings! I’m rooming with Maggy!

My Belize ecosystem count is now at 2, and tomorrow’s travels will take it to 3!

– McKenna

Reef-tastic last day at GRMS!

Today was the last day at Glover’s Reef, and we made the most of it! Soon after breakfast, we all got into our snorkel gear to spend the morning finishing our coral/urchin quadrat and transect experiment. When I went into the snorkel shed, I noticed that my dive suit was gone. I asked and looked around, and it came to my attention that Caio (Dr. Correa’s ten-year-old son) wears the same size suit as me. When I found him, he was comfortably suited up in my “NeoSpo” suit. Instead of switching, I put his on, and we got this cute photo!

The last site of our experiment was a non-MPA reef, and Liliana and I zoomed through our data collection. We have gotten to be really efficient! I saw a lot of my taxa here! I spotted a num anemone and warty corallimorph, and I got pictures that clearly show the anemone’s inward mouth (first picture) and the corallimorph’s upturned mouth (second picture). 

I also so another red beaded anemone! This one was fully red/brown, and it had bumpy tentacles (the other one had smooth tentacles).

NEW TAXA SIGHTING: I saw a corkscrew anemone! This is a tiny anemone, and I git a photo! The one I came across was less than a centimeter in diameter with thin tentacles ringed with white, making them appear like corkscrews. I was so excited to find one of these attached to a piece of rubble!

Going back to the boat, we found seven Caribbean reef squids lined up in a row! They were such interesting creatures to see.

We then went on a fun snorkel (the last one), where I got to see so many beautiful fish! However, the water conditions were very rough, so it was a bit like being in a washing machine.

I did spot sponge zoanthids! These <1cm yellow/orange polyps were colonial across the surface of a green branching vase sponge! I was so excited to get this last sighting in 🙂

After lunch, we analyzed our coral/urchin data and made a poster! If you’ve noticed, all of our reef posters have a special heart <3

After dinner, we measured and dissected the three lionfish Dr. Solomon caught over the days at the reef. My group named our fish Appetizer. We then ate the lionfish in ceviche! I was glad to do my part in removing these invasive species but also putting their meat to good use, and I’m so happy that Liliana’s lionfish-eating dreams finally came true!

With my incredibly tanned hands, I will wave Glover’s Reef goodbye tomorrow morning. I’ve had an amazing time here and have learned so much, and I can’t wait to continue this journey in other ecosystems! Tomorrow’s destination = savanna!

– McKenna

Dramamine For The Win

Reef day #5 was definitely the most packed (and exhausting) day yet! There was a storm last night, so there was leftover cloudiness and winds this morning. However, conditions still looked good enough to go out onto the fore reef! I took dramamine at breakfast, and thank goodness I did. We hopped on the boat, and as soon as we exited the lagoon through a channel, we could feel the intensity of the waves. Even in the water, we were being forcefully sloshed around. Looking up, people were at all different heights among the waves.

Even with the rough conditions, I had a great time on the reef slope! The depth was incredible, especially at the drop off. I saw so many schools of fish, and I could clearly see the spur and groove structure of the corals down below! We also took a video of all of us diving down and making owl hands. Hopefully we make Rice’s Instagram 🙂

I felt a little sick coming off the boat, but the dramamine helped to keep the nausea at bay.

Later in the day, we conducted a trash clean-up (as an experiment in true TFB fashion). We collected so much trash and sorted it into burnables and non-burnables. Our experiment hoped to characterize the trash at different sites along the shore of Middle Caye as well as the general efficiency of collection at each site. We spent the entire afternoon planning out our experiment, conducting our experiment, measuring and sorting to collect data, and then making a poster and presenting it. We are hopeful that this data will help to inform future trash clean-up efforts! I also managed to get a really cute, homecoming-style picture of TFBs lined up on the stairs to wash our hands.

I gave my first presentation today! I presented my reef taxa (anemones, corallimorphs, and zoanthids), and I feel like it went really well. Everyone asked really great questions too!

Before dinner, Nate (a fellow TFB) placed a shell in front of a hermit crab for giggles. Not only did we have some giggles, but we also witnessed something incredible: the hermit crab switch shells! I was able to get it on video and am thrilled to have seen something so rare to catch.

I didn’t have any taxa sightings today, but my other sightings and experiences were more than captivating! Ruth also taught us so much about Belize at dinner! Best off-the-cuff topic lecture ever!

The fact that my eye has been twitching since around 2:00 pm is a clear sign that I am more than ready to get some rest. I’m ready to sleep as soundly as I can to appreciate my last full day on the reef tomorrow!

– McKenna


Fire Coral – What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger (Reef Day 4)

Today is the day that my hand, neck, and snorkel mask tans are so defined that they are becoming obvious. We started the day fast and strong TFB-style by hopping into a boat to collect more data for our coral/urchin experiment in two different MPA patch reefs.

The first MPA reef we went to had the best conditions for data collection by far for me and Liliana. The depth (5-6 ft) was perfect, the current was light, and the non-outrageous amount of sea fans helped tremendously with the quadrats. However, I did encounter a challenge at this location. When I was floating and writing on my clipboard, I drifted into a !!*FIRE CORAL*!! It brushed against my elbows and forearms and caused a burning sting. It wasn’t unbearable and went away after 30 minutes, but I have learned to always be on the watch for these vengeful creatures.

^ This is the culprit coral 🙁

The second MPA location was a little more shallow, so this made data collection harder, but the urchin collection led to so many cool finds. One of which was a new taxa discovery! When turning river pieces of coral rubble in search of urchins, I found a red beaded anemone! I was so excited to find a new anemone, and I got a picture of it (the urchin next to it was shortly collected).

I also got to hold a West Indian sea egg! This hedgehog of the sea was named Sally, and she was very adorable and spiny.

Later in the day, we went on a swim just for fun on the lagoon side of the reef crest. This was anemone haven! I saw so many Giant Caribbean anemones; sadly, some of them were bleached. On a happier note, I also got a new taxa sighting here! Encrusted on the side of a mound coral, I found a mat zoanthid colony! The tiny polyps (<1cm) were blue/green and curled up into domes when disturbed. Yay zoanthids!

After dinner, we listened to two guest lectures from the Belize Fisheries Department and Belize Coast Guard. I have so much respect for all that is being done to protect and conserve the ocean and its resources.

Today was extremely productive to the point where I am struggling to finish writing this blog. I look forward to going to bed and having my recurring dream (only started a few days ago for some reason) of going snorkeling and turning into a mermaid. Maybe my dream behind-the-scenes is super inspired by mermaid Ruth!

– McKenna

Reef Day 3: Lionfish = Speared

We started today with an experiment! We spent time forming a question, hypothesis, and methodology regarding percent coral coverage (live v. dead) and sea urchin abundance in MPA and non-MPA patch reefs. In the time we had before lunch and before we went out onto the boats, we did a taxa collecting activity, where we waded in shallow water and collected tons of organisms and specimens.

Once back in the wet lab, we organized them all into tubs and presented our “expert” taxon group. One cool find of note was a Diadema annularis sea urchin (DO NOT TOUCH).

After lunch, we headed out on a boat (!!) to perform our experiment (at least getting it started). We went to West Reef (non-MPA) with our transects and quadrats. After collecting data on corals, we had a timed urchin-collection period. I found three!

We went to a second patch reef (MPA) to explore just for fun for the sake of curiosity. Such an amazing experience! I spotted a cyan-colored (WOW!!) corallimorph and a white encrusting zoanthid (oooooo)! I finally added some variation in my spotting of my taxa.

The highlight of the day was Dr. Solomon SPEARING a lionfish and capturing it! (This is a good thing because lionfish are an invasive species in the Caribbean)

This was probably the coolest thing I’ve ever witnessed, and I know that my reef buddy Liliana (who has a passion for one day eating a lionfish) was beyond thrilled!

This experiment will be continued over at least the next day to collect more data on different patch reefs, and then I will have another picture of a poster to attach in my blog.

Here comes another night of much-needed sleep, with a slightly higher chance of having lionfish for breakfast tomorrow 🙂

– McKenna