Tag Archives: 2016

Day 3: A Lesson from Nature

Cockroaches come in all different shapes, colors, and abilities, but they usually have a similar body plan that renders them distinguishable from other types of insects. Usually, cockroaches are dull colored, ranging from light brown to black. This probably assists them with camouflaging in the leaf litter, where most of them can be found. However on a few occasions you will find a roach with such a beautiful coloration that many would believe it to be something else. One roach photographed that neither Scott nor I had seen before was found relaxing on a moss covered rock.

It was colored a combination of red, yellow, and black stripes all along the pronotum and abdomen and possibly the most beautiful cockroach as of today. In excitement I attempted to capture the creature in my handy tupper ware container, only to see the creature squeeze through the grip of my hands and fly back into the leaf litter. I was frustrated of course, but later realized that I don’t need to capture these cockroaches in order to document their appearance to some extant. That was a lesson I made sure to not forget during this week at Las Cuevas. However, I wasn’t sure when I would be given another opportunity to find another specimen of the same species.

Luckily, during a short segment of a difficult hike, Dr. Correa found the same species and called for me, the so-called “roach expert.” And just like that, after a few photographs, I managed to capture an image of this awesome specimen. I’m not sure if this type of tropical roach is described anywhere in Belize, or even Central American roach databases! But more research will be needed to verify that. For now, enjoy the picture at the bottom! [I later found it that this roach is a wasp-mimicking cockroach of the genus Pseudophyllodromia].

Besides a few other roach specimens, today was very tiring! We walked about 13.5 miles of uneven terrain, a personal record for me, all to set up camera traps for one of our projects. However at each place, I was starting to have a surreal feeling of living the tropical field biologist life! While the hard science of the course is getting to my head, and my legs, the opportunity to contribute to the growing knowledge of Belize’s forest as well as the chance to observe stunning habitats overshadows the inconvenience of tiredness! Here’s to another lesson filled day tomorrow!

Not all roaches are dull! Some are fabulous
Not all roaches are dull! Some are fabulous. UPDATE (May 29): After some online research, I’ve learned that this roach is of the genus Pseudophyllodromia, a type of wasp-mimicking cockroach! I don’t really see the wasp resemblance but perhaps I should contact at true roach expert!

I am become sweat, destroyer of pants.

Another early morning. Five am birdwatching was fun to listen to as I was dreaming, and I woke up briefly when Adrienne screamed, shocked to find her son’s toy pupa in the secret compartment of her coffee thermos. It’s hard to explain what makes some of the funnier things from this trip so funny. Maybe its the delirium setting in but hey, a good time is a good time. I guess you would have to be here.

You also have to be here to see the Scarlett Macaw (segue!!) which we did after breakfast this morning. I can’t say exactly where we saw them, because revealing their locations to poachers who prowl the internet could endanger the safety of the small population that lives in Belize. I can’t even post images of them. Needless to say, their amazing creatures. Look them up.

Before long, our day of ardor had begun. We set twelve camera traps in multiple areas and along corridors, both manmade and natural, to compare the impact of humans on species richness and community composition. The hike totaled thirteen miles by the end of the day. Two pairs of boxer-briefs and twelve hours later, we finished. Along the way I spotted this little fella.


Taenipoda eques, the Horse Lubber Grasshopper. This one’s a nymph, so no wings yet. These get pretty big though, commonly over four or five inches long. They are poisonous as well, like yesterday’s Abel’s Katydid, the yellow markings tell predators to avoid this morsel. When they are threatened they also release a noxious liquid foam that deters any truly committed attacker. I also can do this when it’s hot out.


Also included is a picture of a Leaf Mimic Katydid. Family: Tettiigoniidae. She looks like a dead leaf! Wow!


P.S. The title is because my pants are destroyed with sweat— somehow that has to do with Oppenheimer creating the atom bomb. Like I said the delirium is setting in and I think it’s time for bed.


Day 2: Misunderstood Sadness and Joy

I managed to snap quite a few photos of different cockroaches throughout today. For example, the roach that was spotted with Dr. Correa also appeared at my lodging during morning packing. The cockroach was near death, save for the occasional twitch of antennae and legs. It’s interesting seeing this creature’s presence around human settlements. In spite of all the fuss on roach pests, only a small percentage of the 4400 cockroach species of the world are household nuisances. The roach I encountered had a dark body with a front segment (pronotum) containing a large black dot. Another cool thing, its underside is reddish brown and its legs were spiky, giving a similar appearance to the underside of the American cockroach (Periplanta americanus) rather than a Blaberus species. Another dead roach was also found in our room, but it was quite mutilated. And the roach was wingless, either indicating a wingless species or a juvenile. In any case, identification for juveniles is difficult if not impossible since they all look the same.


Another cockroach sighting was at the Caracol Ruins, the sight of an ancient Mayan metropolis and home to the largest manmade structure at Belize. This roach was a golden color and quite small. I estimate it to be no more than one inch, including the antennae of the insect. The insect was found in the leaf litter near the Sky Palace of the archeological site and was quickly scurrying away from us, hiding beneath the leaves. I managed to wrap my hand around it, but was surprised to see it take flight for a short distance back into the leaf litter. The flight distance wasn’t very far, indicating that these roaches don’t seem to be particularly strong flyers and only use it as a last resort escape. Based on what I know, I’m guessing this roach is of the genus Cariblatta, due to the small yellow color.

As for another round of good news, I managed to capture a small cockroach with a body length about one inch, and antennae about half an inch long on Scott’s towel at Las Cuevas! The cockroach is golden brown in appearance and has no black dot on its pronotum. Rather it’s entire pronotum is black and smooth. This is a completely different and unknown species to me, and I’m excited to photograph and describe it, as summary of Belize’s common cockroach species is very lacking!


In my excitement, I tried to upload these pictures, but thought I had deleted them accidentally. That made me sad throughout the day as it thought I had lost so much progress. But technology surprised me, by bringing it up again in my computer!

As a final treat, while photographing near the lights at the Las Cuevas, I managed to photograph a Cuban Green Cockroach (Panchlora nivea), as well as unintentionally capturing an unknown roach that from a distance looked like a beetle.

The green roach is a female P. nivea, while the brown/red roach is unknown
The green roach (bottom) is a female P. nivea, while the brown/red roach is unknown


Another interesting knowledge filled day has passed, from learning of Mayan history at Belize, to trying an exotic fruit (Phylodendron), to our van breaking down, and our improvised lecture session. Can’t wait to see what our first full day at the Las Cuevas will hold!

Day 2: Ruins and lots and lots of birds.


Had breakfast with all sorts of birds. The workers at the resort left papaya out on the balcony and a Blue Crown Motmot, a Brownjay, and a Melodious Blackbird flew down to feed. Took some awesome photos; will upload when there’s more reliable internet.

After breakfast we took the van to go see the Caracol Ruins. Along the way, we spotted a bunch of different types of birds, including a Great Black Hawk. So far, I haven’t been doing too well on IDing birds. It turns out I only researched really pretty but rather rare birds. So I end up not knowing all the birds that we do end up crossing paths with. Hopefully that’ll change; Scott gave me a bird guide so whenever I get the chance I’m going to be flipping through that thing.

We got a tour of the Caracol Ruins from our local guide Hugh. The ruins were just absolutely jaw dropping. It’s amazing that something constructed over 2000 years ago is still standing and is still the tallest structure in the country. At the ruins there was a tree full of Oro Pendola and their nests. These are extremely pretty birds, they are black all over except their golden yellow tail. They build really interesting looking nests too.

After encountering some technical difficulties with our vehicle, we eventually made it to the Las Cuevas Research Station. LCRS is literally in the middle of nowhere, it’s kind of awesome. We saw a Black Vulture perched on a dead tree when we first got here. Once everyone got here we settled into our rooms and then had dinner. Had to present my lecture topic tonight. Was really nervous, it didn’t go very well but at least it’s done now.

Overall, this was a solid second day to the trip. So psyched for tomorrow.


Insect Celeb Sighting

Our first night as a group completed without much ado, save for a technological issue with our projector, I awoke at five this morning surprisingly willingly. I had no bug bites or aches and pains despite the fact that I slept in a hammock outside our room all night.

Screens protected me from physically encountering any insects in my sleep, but did nothing to silence the industrial noise coming from the loudest of these bugs, the cicada. They were my alarm this morning; and they worked better than any alarm did all semester at Rice.

No snooze button available. Nature: 1, Technology: 0.

We spent the first half of our day at the Caracol archaeological site, where I was equally or more fascinated by the spectacular flora and fauna as I was by the impressive Mayan ruins. The highlight of my day was finding a remarkably beautiful specimen from my taxonomic group, Orthoptera: Abel’s Katydid (also known as the Crayola Katydid because of its vibrant blue, orange, and green coloration). It’s a male, as you can tell from its lack of large, sword-like ovipositor. Its also missing a leg because I was rough with it—sorry lil’ guy.


This species is aposematically colored, meaning its gaudy appearance is a warning sign to predators that says “DON’T EAT ME! I’M NOT GOOD TO EAT!” In the case of this species bright coloration is an honest signal of its unpleasant, and toxic, taste. Interestingly, other species have learned about this trick and mimic the colors of some toxic animals in order to garner the same benefits as the actually honest creatures (clever!)

When researching Orthoptera pre-departure I distinctly remember that this species really stood out among the dozens of “run-of-the-mill” insects with normal old green or brown/black coloration (how boring). Seeing this gorgeously appointed masterpiece of evolution, I was star-struck. On top of that, it was the first and only opportunity I had to show off my orthopteran expertise to the group so far—what beginner’s luck!

P.S. I also included the image of another Orthoptera I saw today! (A grasshopper nymph)


Day 2: Pickup Truck Adventures!

This morning we headed to Caracol, a Mayan civilization that flourished from 300 BC to 1100 AD.  The metropolis itself housed over 150,00 people, which is over half the population of the entire country today.  We climbed to the top of the highest pyramid, the tallest structure in all of Belize.  The view from the pyramid was amazing, and we could see for miles in every direction.  To the West, the mountains in the distance were brown instead of green.  This was the Belize-Guatemala border.  The Guatemalan population is many times that of Belize, and they have much higher rates of deforestation as they stretch their limited resources.


Although we didn’t see any termites today, we did see several termite nests.  On our way to Caracol we drove past an arboreal nest, but weren’t able to identify it.  A few of the beams in the pyramid were from 70 AD.  They were impressively intact for being 2,000 years old, but they did have termite tunnels burrowing through them.  As we were leaving the station, we found an abandoned carton nest that had fallen from a tree.  It was cracked open, so we could look at the tunnels within.  We didn’t see the termites living inside, but Microcerotermes crassus do make arboreal tree nests, so this could be one of their nests.


As we were heading back from Caracol, our transmission started struggling and making strange noises.  Luckily, we were close to a Belizian army camp, and we pulled in there.  When they checked the engine, the transmission fluid was completely dry.  We couldn’t drive the van anymore, so we piled into pickup trucks.  On the way, we saw a tree full of oropendola nests and a group of toucans! Las Cuevas Research Station is beautiful.  All of the buildings are on stilts, so you are eye-level with the trees and can see lots of wildlife.  I can’t wait to see more of the station and the surrounding forest! I can already tell these two weeks are going to fly by. DSCN4008

A Visit to the Maya (by Maya)

Though we’ve finally settled in the heart of the Chiquibul Forest, I may have been too hasty in my previous assessment of our luck on this trip.

Silky anole (Anolis sericeus).

The morning began with little sleep, some unidentifiable (but delicious) fried bread, a blue-crowned motmot sighting, and our departure from the Crystal Paradise and San Ignacio. Just as we set off, I caught this silky anole (Anolis sericeus).

Our first stop was a step 2000 years back in history, to the ancient Mayan city of Ozhuitza at the Caracol Archaeological Site. The great city now stands in ruins, with only the largest structures of the ancient city center excavated today. I became a momentary archaeologist, traipsing through the remains of a metropolis that once housed 150,000 people. We climbed 43 meters with many, many steps to the top of Caracol’s “Sky Palace,” the tallest structure in Belize.

Caracol Archaeological Site.

The day’s reptile sightings remained sparse compared to yesterday’s excitement; Caracol only yielded a few stray skinks, darting among the ruins. The morning’s greatest surprise was the sight of the odd hanging nests characteristic of the Montezuma’s oropendola. As we entered what can best be described as the suburbs of Ozhuitza, I caught a glimpse of the birds’ bright yellow tails. We watched the intricately woven nests swing like pendulums in the breeze to the tune of the oropendula’s strange mating call.

However, as soon as we left Caracol, the Mayan gods appear to have left our side. Our journey to the Chiquibul was cut short by an unanticipated lack of oil. In true field biologist fashion, we halted our journey outside a military checkpoint and seated ourselves on the dirt road for a lecture on the termite species of Belize. But in just a few short hours, two pickup trucks with a bed full of TFBs finally found their way to Las Cuevas Research Station. For the next five days, we’ll make our home here in the forest—hopefully, with a little more luck this time.

Day 2: Getting to Las Cuevas

Today we left San Ignacio and made our way to Las Cuevas Research Station, visiting Caracol on our way. As we were driving to Caracol, we saw a coati and a great black hawk along the road. The roads were pretty bumpy, but the drive was really pretty. As we started our drive we saw Cecropia trees and also saw some gumbo-limbos. The gumbo-limbos are also called ‘tourist trees’ because they are red and flaky, like sunburnt skin. So far none of us have begun to look like the tourist trees, which is good. Hopefully it’ll stay that way.

A gumbo limbo tree with bark resembling a tourist’s sunburnt skin

On our way to Caracol we drove through Mountain Pine Ridge, an area that was different from other places we’ve seen because of the large number of pine trees. The region was more open and seemed drier, with more grasses and fewer vines.

Once we arrived in Caracol, we walked around the archaeological site to observe the ruins and the flora and fauna of the area. The site is absolutely amazing, with towering pyramids and dense forests. It’s amazing to think that more than a million people used to live in the region, when closer to 250,000 live in all of Belize today. At Caracol the guide pointed out a number of trees, including breadnuts, allspice, and avocado. There also were a lot of Chamedorea plants around Caracol. Chamedorea is sold as an ornamental leaf. The large security presence at Caracol was in part to protect the Chamedorea leaves from poachers.

Chamedorea plant at Caracol
Chamedorea plant at Caracol
Avocado tree at Caracol

Tomorrow we venture into the forest around Las Cuevas. I’m looking forward to the start of our field work!

Into the Maya Forest

Today the remoteness of the trip has begun to feel amazingly real. We’ve seen Mayan temples in the jungle and animals abound, despite the fact that we haven’t even really gone looking for them yet. Some fantastic non-mammal sightings included a blue-crowned motmot, a great black hawk, oropendola, and a slender brown scorpion (in a bathroom, unfortunately).

Today’s main activity was a visit to the Mayan ruins at Caracol. Caracol was once assumed to be a smaller city dominated by other Mayan powers such as Tikal. However, it is now known that Caracol was actually a large metropolis supporting somewhere around 150,000 people. Caracol was designed like a wagon wheel, with a main center and road “spokes” leading to the more rural agricultural areas. Most of the pyramids were used for religious rituals, as was the case with Caana, the sky palace that we climbed. After 1100 AD Caracol had collapsed, but the Maya people still live in Mesoamerica. It is amazing to me how many different kinds of people live in this part of the world. Mayans and other natives share the land with people of European or African ancestry, and further divides are made as people are sorted into nationalities (Guatemalan, Belizean, Mexican). It is perhaps no wonder that tensions between peoples at times run high.

Today also marked the first wild mammal sightings of the trip! During breakfast (6am…), we spotted a Yucatan squirrel in a nearby tree. Some other students may also have seen an agouti, though I was not able to see or identify it reliably. Later, on the road to Caracol, a coatimundi was spotted travelling on the side of the road. Although I had to jump over some seats in the van to get a glimpse of the coati, it was well worth the effort. The coati was a brown-red with characteristic white rings on its erect tail. At Caracol, some other tourists reported a Mexican black howler monkey sighting, though we did not see any signs of the primates.

Yucatan Squirrel seen at Crystal Paradise Resort
Yucatan Squirrel seen at Crystal Paradise Resort

Some of the mishaps of the day included lunch drinks breaking in the cooler and a van break down. After Caracol, the plan was to visit some pools and waterfalls for a refreshing swim. However, it was not to be as our van was forced to quit due to lack of transmission fuel and oil. Luckily, we were not too far from Las Cuevas Research Station (where we will be staying until we leave for the coral reef) and we were able to improvise with some pick-up trucks. In true TFB (Tropical Field Biologist) fashion, a bunch of us piled into the bed of a truck and had a fun ride into the beautiful wilderness!

Caracol City Exploration + (Another Bumpy) Journey to Las Cuevas

Hi everyone! I’m checking in today from the porch of Las Cuevas research station after another busy and fun day. It began with an early morning open air breakfast at 6 am filled with cool bird sightings (we saw a blue-crowned motmot and a brown jay among other things) followed by travels to Caracol and an exploration of the ruins of the Mayan city.

It was really neat to climb to the top of the different ruins and learn a lot about the history of the area from our awesome tour guide. He told us about balsa bark and how it cleanses blood, about how the Mayans climbed up the ruins on their hands and knees to humble themselves before the Gods, and the structure of the old city and how it resembled the spokes of a wheel with the elite living in the capital at the middle of the spoke and the agricultural peasants living around the edges as well as many other topics.

After our picnic lunch, our plans to swim in the waterfalls at Rio On got deterred due to the lack of transmission fluid in the van, so we took a break in the middle of the dirt road and learned about termites as one of the taxa presentations for the day. Eventually we made it here to Las Cuevas research station, where we will be spending the next week. Sitting here sweaty and satisfied with the day’s activities thus far, I have to say I am equally excited for the shower tonight and for the next week ahead! 🙂

A quick note about any taxa sightings before I end today’s post: Other than a small click beetle (family Elateridae) I spied among the dead leaf litter at the base of a large tree in the ruins, observations of my taxa were not prevalent today, but I am sure there will be more to identify during this upcoming week in the rainforest. Species sightings did abound today in other taxa. We saw are a coati (small mammal), a gumbo limbo tree (nicknamed tourist tree because of its red peeling bark), and an anole (a small brown lizard) on the way to Caracol, many lichens, birds, and a philodendra fruit (which we sampled) while in the ruins, and toucans and butterflies on the road to Las Cuevas.

Caracol was beautiful.
We made it to the top!