Hi all, it’s Faith here with Day 1 updates from our Belize trip!!!
Today, we spent such long time just trying to get here, so I’m a little worried about the intensity for the next few days, but I didn’t sign up for this thinking it would be easy! Here is what happened:
The whole group made it on time and to the airport by 8:00, but not even 10 minutes in, we ran into our first problem– the professors hadn’t filled out the paperwork to bring their kids!
So, while we were reorganizing the class gear to be under 50lbs, the professors were rushing to get their kids on board. Don’t worry though, we all made it on the plane, and had time to grab panda express for breakfast.
After some seat and boarding pass complications, we made it to the Belize city airport, and went through an hours worth of customs! Then we temporarily lost Professor Solomon (which was kind of my fault because I didn’t follow him outside, but no one has to know).
After a brief stop at the supermarket to grab snacks, we headed to the boat for a 4 hour boat ride. On the way there, Dr. Correa’s son was telling Maegan and I that he wanted to see rollercoaster-like waves once we passed the barrier reef. We got kinda confused, but he was right, and we saw huge waves!
Not much happened after the boat trip. We just got our rooms, ate some yummy dinner, went over the station’s basics, and admired lots and lots and lots of hermit crabs. Fun fact: on the way back from the shower a giant ghost crab ran into me.
Sadly there were no echinoderms today because we were on land, but I’ll let you know what we find tomorrow.
I saw one reptile, a common house gecko Hemidactylus frenatus on the shower wall. He was cute and although patternless.
Quote of the day: “Don’t just write ‘Oh, I saw that dang tree again!’ I can confirm *laughs* there are gonna be trees in the rainforest, thank goodness” -Dr. Solomon