Tag Archives: Glover’s Atoll

“Bow to your master, crabs!”

On today’s agenda were a number of data generation events out in the lagoon. We collected data with transect and quadrat to estimate the percent cover of live coral on patch reefs. Holding the equipment and using it to measure the site was no simple task, as waves became choppier as the day went on. We also did a timed collection of sea urchins on the same patches. We used tongs of course to ensure that no one (besides Randy and Anna) was pricked by one of these nasty creatures. We measured the diameter of each one and then returned them from whence they came.

Later at night we brought a light out to the dock to see if we could attract some small fish and, in turn, attract their larger predators like sharks and barracudas. No luck tonight, but after giving up on the docks I was able to capture a land crab on the way to my room!


Animal fervor swept over me when I lifted this sucker from the ground. He was definitely feisty, but a number of his larger friends were no challenge at all to catch. Perhaps it was my spurred confidence from the first tango, or perhaps the other one’s were just sluggish. Either way it was a fun way to end the night and simultaneously freak out some of the more squeamish TFB’s.

Glovers Atoll

Today we left land and moved out to sea. I enjoyed our long boat ride out to Glover’s Atoll, its been a while since I’ve been on the ocean and the waves felt great. It’s a beautiful place out here. After orientation we hopped in the water for a quick snorkel on the patch reef. I ended up having a few technical difficulties towards the end that hopefully practice will resolve.

I am already having more luck with this taxonomic group. I saw two orange Pomatostegus stellatus (star horseshoe worms) growing on a coral, and apparently Grace found Spirobranchus giganteus (christmas tree worms) as well. Besides annelids I saw staghorn coral, a queen conch, a ray, and a ton of fish, soft coral and sponges I couldn’t specifically identify.


Sophia Streeter
