Tag Archives: OUCH

Urchin Hair Don’t Care (Day 3)

Today was an incredibly full day. We put the quadrats we made last night to good use by first estimating crab density on the island, then taxons represented within the seagrass beds, and then finally advancing to quantifying reef health on a patch reef within the conservation zone. Tomorrow we are going to repeat the procedures for quantifying reef health within the general use zone to see if there are observable differences between the two zones.

Therese swimming along our transect.


Another way we are going to compare the two zones is by urchin size. Today on the patch within the MPA, 16 of us collected as many urchins as we could for 25 minutes. I saw Diadema urchins but I did not collect any because their spines are the longest and they seemed to be hidden deeper than the other two species. I only found one Slate Pencil Urchin but lots of Reef Urchins.

A Slate Pencil Urchin collected within the Marine Protected Area.

Today I encountered two weird issues. First we drifted away from our quadrat within the seagrass, and it took about 20 minutes of frantic searching before we found it again. The other issue happened during the urchin hunting because somehow I got four urchins stuck in my hair really badly. For a good while I thought we were going to have to cut them out but eventually they let go.

Adrienne pulling the urchins out of my hair.

Since we were doing the work with the quadrats today, I had less time to find green algae. I did see more Acetabularia calyculus and Rhipocephalus phoenix again. I also saw what I think was Caulerpa cepressoidea and maybe some Chaetomorpha.


Day 3, and I have learned that bugs hate me and that fire coral is mean.  I think I jinxed myself by saying I did not have any bug bites because now I am covered.  Plus I bumped some fire coral so my rear is itchy and hurts, making fire coral my least favorite coral.  Pseudodiploria labrinthiformis is easily my favorite though and I have been finding and identifying it!

Back in the world of crabs, I have stopped getting overly excited over land hermit crabs now.  I counted 213 of those little guys just today.  There is one part of the trail that is just land hermit crabs (184 in one place).  They seem to be very spotty on the island as to where they are most found.  We tried to quantify their per square meter space on the island using quadrants and a transact, but it resulted in very little crabs and brac holes being recorded when in actuality they are everywhere.

Mangrove crab on a pillar camouflaged at Middle Caye

I also saw a mangrove crab today on the pillar of the dock.  It was camouflaged above a bunch of algae.  A few minutes prior I noticed two unidentified crabs.  They were two hermit crabs on a turtle sea grass leaf very close together and moving up the leaf.  From their shells I first thought they were mollusks but then I noticed their blue pincers sticking out.  I am not sure what type of hermit crab has blue pincers, but they were interesting to watch.

AND OF COURSE, I saw some more blue land crabs at night.  They are really much more accustomed to humans than I had imagined they would be.  They don’t even run away when walk by or even when I run at them.

Well the benedryl I just took for the fire coral is kicking in and I’m about to sleep for days… well really only like 7 hours but thats alright.