Bootcamp Las Cuevas, Day 3

I am dead.

I’ve been on some intense hikes in my life, but I doubt I have ever walked as far as I did today, while wearing rubber boots. 13.25 miles in the final count. I do not have blisters. I do not have sunburn. I did not receive any mosquito bites. I can finally join club “I Found a Tick.”  I don’t believe I have ever sweated so much in my life. Today I swam through the slicks of perspiration drenching my body.

I did all of this to set up our 12 camera traps. Hopefully we capture some interesting Belizean animals. Even though I am tired and lying in my bed wanting a good night’s sleep I know I wont get because Mandy snore, I enjoyed my day. After a few miles hiking through the humid forests, I began to acclimate myself to the environment and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the Chiquibul. This is an amazing place for sure. Also, no bees. Sorry.

I am writing a shorter blog than usual but I will be back tomorrow!

P.S. To my family: I am not actually dead. I’m okay. As my mother would say to me “Buck up kid!”

2016-05-19 09.10.33
The 319 crew trekked to each green and red sticky note, accumulating 13.25 miles of hiking.
Randy is reading out the GPS coordinates of one of our last camera traps.

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