(Nakian) May 26: Brown x Algae x Butchering

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Today was a good day for brown algae. I finally found some of the brown algae I expected and were mostly in the reef. There were many of Padina, Dictyota and Turbinaria among the coral. Michael happened to find a Lobophora as well. One of the reef was full of them that I think there was a big competition between algae and coral. I am hoping to see more of the algae and I expect more to be found in the peripheral reef we will be visiting tomorrow. It was interesting there weren’t so many sargasso since I heard it was pretty dominant. Maybe they are more common in open ocean. I thin they are cool so I hope to see them. Also I think I saw an Oyster Thief but am not sure because it wasn’t hollow but was conglomerates of filamentous algae looking things.
Today the sandfly craziness was better because I am used to the itchness. Saw a fisherman butchering a meter long barracuda. I hope not to encounter one while diving.

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