I feel cool

Today I feel very accomplished. We did a coastal trash survey and cleanup to find the most efficient cleanup location and figure out what portion of the trash could and couldn’t be burned on the island, and I found this!

We think it was a box fish or cow fish. Either way the skeletal structure exoskeleton thing is amazingly cool.

Also, on that trip I picked up some shells I thought some hermit crabs  might enjoy, and when we got back I got one to move in! We were all standing there with our breath held as it inspected the whole shell inside and out, and we let out a cheer when it pulled itself out of its old shell and into mine!

The other major even for the day was that we went to the edge of the atoll, known as the reef crest to snorkel. The waves were massive and rather scary, but it was also really cool to see such deep water with massive coral structures on the bottom.  There was also a massive drop-off at the edge of the reef crest that felt like looking down a cliff to nothingness. Some highlights included seeing walnut comb jellies and a sea turtle sitting on the bottom! There was also a large school of what looked like possibly parrotfish swirling around us! Unfortunately it was too deep for me to be able to decipher the green algae on the bottom, but tomorrow we should snorkel in shallow water so hopefully I will see some there!

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