Day 3: The most exercise I have had in a long time

Today has been a full day of hiking where we went to set up our camera traps for our research. Let me tell you. If every day is going to be me walking up HUGE hills, I don’t know if I will make it. Observing other taxonomic groups and my group, epiphytes, has made it worthwhile. Oh, and hopefully we will see a jaguar! I can say this whole day of hiking feels like the most exercise I have ever had in my life.

As we were walking towards the top right corner of the 50-hectare plot, this bee would not stop hovering over me! Brendan and Keegan were both there and it was hovering the three of us for a good amount of time. Also, every time I have fallen, Brendan was behind me (at Rio in the pool and our hike today). EVERY TIME. I will keep this in mind on our next hike and hopefully Brendan will not say, “Be careful Michael”.

Along the 50-hectare plot, lots of ferns and mosses were present. These epiphytic plants were found to be on one side of the trees, and it was cool to see that characteristic on multiple trees! Along the monkey tail trail, I saw lichens for the whole 45-minute hike to the end point of our methodology. I could identify more and more species today as we saw more bromeliads, large veins, and lots of lianas hanging from tree to tree.

After the hike back from the monkey tail trail, I took a shower and as soon as I finished, Scott yells, “Scarlet Macaw!!”. I quickly ran to the balcony by lab/dining area and I saw two just chilling up on the trees! Rare site guys, and I can say that life is complete. Hearing the calls that they make; it is just so loud that you cannot miss it. Well that does it for my blog today since I have had a very tiring day. See you tomorrow! CAWWCNAW!!

Picture: Sheer beauty of the Scarlet Macaw.

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